Sunday, October 07, 2007

The More-Than-Moderately Swell-egant World of Subscription Databases, Part Five: Auto Repair Reference Center

When your car breaks down and you don't happen to have that fifteen pound repair manual in your trunk and the library just checked out the last copy of the very book you needed, you're out of luck, right?

Perhaps, in the pre-database age, but not anymore. Now it's Auto Repair Reference Center to the rescue. It's even less expensive than AAA (although you will pay for your own towing).

This resource for the mechanically inclined allows you to search by year, manufacturer, and model (and even by engine type - which is more than some of us will ever figure out about our cars) to get repair guides - many of which even have pictures (or "diagrams" for those aforementioned mechanically inclined).

Once you find the car you're looking for, you have a list of detailed repair procedures, to help you with repair, replacement or just general upkeep of your car.

Thousands of cars and trucks are at your electronic fingertips, and you can even print out the pages whether you're here at the library or logged in from home.

The repair information is also searchable by keyword - which translates to you can put in whatever part of the car you want information about and it will search through the entire contents of the repair information and give you only the bits that relate to your search.

And the best part - there are no dark, oily fingerprints on all the good pages.